Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development

Marketing is either an expense or an investment in the future of the company, one of the two!

“You’re a marketing and branding person, what do you think, is marketing an expense or an investment?” This is a pertinent question if you are a SME manager or owner. Usually, this kind of questions come as a result of a myopic management. Let me explain. If you are a very good accountant, you will …

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Business Consulting Business Development European Business High Tech

Is there anyone out there who is going to opt for a new supplier and fail to check him out online?

You probably read this article on your mobile phone and you are not the only one, there is an increase in mobile phone users for online search. We do not have the time or most probably the user behavior has changed. We prefer to search directly on the smartphone regarding a company or service while …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Market Research

66% of managers consider the internet the most important source of procurement

The idea that digital marketing or inbound marketing is not suitable for b2b business (a company that sells to companies) is not a new idea, but rather an old myth, assimilated both by old and new generations. Not many times we have heard in discussions with our clients: “we sell cash machines to companies, we …

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