Business Development Marketing Services SEO updates

Is Google effective? has a 90% share market worldwide. So, yes!

SEO means: search engine optimisation, which aims to increase the  visits to a website, called traffic. It’s an online keyword battle and you may heard the saying that ‘if you’re not on the first page of the search engine, you don’t exist and might as well be in Siberia.’

This is done by controlling and improving factors that, taken together and analysed by the search algorithm, help to better position the results pages. Controlling and improving factors is, of course, an euphemism for a lot of specialist work to make the website optimised for search engine.

Depending on these criteria, SEO can be of two types:

  • On-site optimisation – Writing titles and descriptions carefully, eliminating errors, improving upload speed, image processing, optimising URL structure and internal links, moderately using advertisements, etc. Overall – improving visitor experience.
  • Off-site optimisation – promotion does not directly relate to the SEO team – it refers to the relevance and importance of the webpage in relation to the search expression analysed. (the number and quality of links to the page analysed, the number of social interactions -Facebook like, share, comment, Tweet, + 1-, context in which mentions appear, credibility and source authority, global and local search volume for those keywords, search engine marketing and others)

Researchers revealed that 66% of responders said the Internet is the most important source of information, and according to the most important search engine worldwide by far remains with a 90% share market. Considering these, the question of SEO or Adwords effectiveness is useless when there is no other real alternative out there.

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