Digital Marketing/ Online European Business Social Media

Vlogging for business. Is this an effective activity?… try to avoid professional jargon. As it was the case then, it is still annoying today

There was a time when companies use to produce the classic presentation films and the main strengths of these video productions were the attention grabbing, brand communication and credibility. They worked for a while but people changed, behaviours changed. Still, we can observe the same appeal for films and video content. There are other benefits, …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Influencers Marketing Services Social Media

How do marketing, yoga, spiritual, blockchain or business gurus make money online?

Have you ever wondered  how an internet expert makes any money with his videos and free lessons? If yes, keep reading. Chances are, you’ve probably watched some of these video pitches. Well, it’s not actually that mysterious. Essentially, they all have an ‘Action call”, they want to you to do something. For example, one of …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Marketing Services Media Consulting Social Media

The image we project no longer depends solely on messages from the Marketing. Corporate identity in the digital era

A communication professional knows well that a brand is nothing but a visual association with the name and symbol that people make in their minds, a promise. I do not think we need to list the thousands of advantages of using a visual identity. I believe each of us has at least one argument in …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Cybersecurity Social Media

Beware of some apps! People ending up on black lists

Smoking and depression apps are selling your data to third parties according to The Washington Post and a study published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open “The pitch: Health apps for users who are battling depression or want to quit smoking. The problem: Many of the apps designed to track a user’s progress are sharing the …

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