Brand New by Wally Olins it’s an old classic but still relevant. It’s an easy read, the style is light and the sentence is not complicated so even if you’re not a branding and communication specialist you can read it. Is it worth it anyway? Yes, it is worthwhile because practical teachings and concrete examples are put on paper …
Category: Marketing Services
Is Google effective? has a 90% share market worldwide. So, yes!
SEO means: search engine optimisation, which aims to increase the visits to a website, called traffic. It’s an online keyword battle and you may heard the saying that ‘if you’re not on the first page of the search engine, you don’t exist and might as well be in Siberia.’ This is done by controlling and …
How do marketing, yoga, spiritual, blockchain or business gurus make money online?
Have you ever wondered how an internet expert makes any money with his videos and free lessons? If yes, keep reading. Chances are, you’ve probably watched some of these video pitches. Well, it’s not actually that mysterious. Essentially, they all have an ‘Action call”, they want to you to do something. For example, one of …
Kenichi Ohmae on Competitive strategy: The point is to gain an advantage over the competition at a reasonable cost. Find out How…
We are continuing the series of literature review on competitive strategy and business growth. In this article we will review the perspective of Kenichi Ohmae. According to the Japanese strategist, Kenichi Ohmae, the first step in strategy is to identify the one issue that matters most —• the critical issue. In his book, The Mind …
The image we project no longer depends solely on messages from the Marketing. Corporate identity in the digital era
A communication professional knows well that a brand is nothing but a visual association with the name and symbol that people make in their minds, a promise. I do not think we need to list the thousands of advantages of using a visual identity. I believe each of us has at least one argument in …
Your marketing is prompt to be inefficient without a marketing information system. How to set it up?
Why you need Marketing Information System CRM to support the collection and the marketing funnel management HubSpot CRM for free. Interesting features One of the very first things that I want to know when taking the management of a new marketing department is how does the firm collects internal marketing information. This is important because …
Business development in the digital era. Tools & Techniques
The main goal of marketing is to provide a future and growth for the business and one of the most important objectives is to generate leads and new business. I remember reading one study one day that was debating the way business development changed nowadays and felt that my long time believes and professional experience …
CEO top recommended book. ‘The Gambleneur’ is available on 7 Amazon markets.
DiGITAL BUSINESS JOURNAL’s top recommended ebook for CEOs is now available on 7 Amazon markets. “The Gambleneur – When the Marketing Investment is Inefficient and Ineffective” reveals the premises that defines a ‘gambleneur’ and imperative marketing activities that are the foundation for a performant marketing department.
Facebook’s Calibra Digital Wallet is not a crypto, it’s a Bank, and this seriously shakes the financial world
Recently I wrote an article on regarding the new Facebook digital coin. Is it really a coin or is something else? Read my views below. You all heard the news, Facebook is going into cryptocurrency, or more exactly the digital wallet. Well, this is not actually the case. Facebook is looking to do something …
Bujorean & Co. assisting Avison Young, world’s fastest-growing commercial real estate services firm
Bujorean & Co. assisting world’s fastest-growing commercial real estate services firm in launching the Romanian office. Mark E. Rose, Chair and CEO of Avison Young, the world’s fastest-growing commercial real estate services firm, announced today that the company has opened a new office in Bucharest, Romania. The new Bucharest office represents Avison Young’s first office …
Bujorean & Co. assisting a Belgian contractor operating in Knokke-Heist area
Bujorean & Co. is a 9 years old Romanian brand providing marketing services & business consulting for professional services announced the partnership with TIMO – Algemene Schilder & Decoratiewerken.
Bujorean & Co. assisting the premier platform for the European digital business sector, the premier digital media platform for the European digital business sector is partnering-up with Bujorean & Co. Content marketing strategy is the best business to business strategy out there for a lot of businesses operating in the b2b sector. When the goal is lead generation, traditional media is not the best choice for this …
Digitizare în România: Drumul lung de la agenda cu foi la CRM
de Daniel A. Bujorean, Consultant Marketing in Bucuresti (articol publicat in Economic Zoom) Dave este o hologramă într-o cutie, în momentul în care o deschizi, prinde viață și îți transmite un mesaj special creat pentru tine. Ești surprins plăcut de tehnologie și de faptul că trăiești această experiență, aidoma ca în Star Wars. Nu-ți mai …
SEMINAR: Cum organizezi și optimizezi un departament de Marketing într-un IMM?
Cursuri de Marketing accesibile organizata de profesionisti cu experienta vasta in domeniu. Bucuresti, Romania. Vom încerca să trecem prin căteva activități de marketing esențiale pentru o funcție de marketing și să recomandăm bune practici pentru organizarea activităților sau dezvoltarea unei strategii, să vorbim despre când și cum se face externalizarea serviciilor de marketing și despre modul în care tehnologia ne poate susține activitățiile de marketing.
Marketing Consultant based in Bucharest, Romania
Daniel A. Bujorean Bujorean distinguished himself as a successful and creative professional coordinating numerous national marketing communication campaigns with all major Romanian media trusts (TV, Radio, OOH, Online). During his career, he worked or consulted for various companies and non-profit organisations, in various sectors such as: ICT, Legal Services, Real Estate, Accounting, Healthcare, Recruiting, Architecture, …