There was a time when companies use to produce the classic presentation films and the main strengths of these video productions were the attention grabbing, brand communication and credibility. They worked for a while but people changed, behaviours changed. Still, we can observe the same appeal for films and video content. There are other benefits, …
Category: European Business
Marketing strategy. Why for the good’s sake is it mistaken for tactics?
Strategy, strategic and the entire family of words of this term are over used and misunderstood. It’s undoubtedly more interesting to ‘make strategies’ than execution and definitely looks great on your business cards. But strategy is not the same thing as method and tactics. We find that this confusion is quite common. The strategy is …
Is there anyone out there who is going to opt for a new supplier and fail to check him out online?
You probably read this article on your mobile phone and you are not the only one, there is an increase in mobile phone users for online search. We do not have the time or most probably the user behavior has changed. We prefer to search directly on the smartphone regarding a company or service while …
Imagine your online traffic is made public. e-Privacy Law in Europe and the sectors affected
In these days and age, information is power. It may sound like a cliché but it is the simple truth. As a young professional, your digital footprint privacy may be not a concern right now, but could be the worse nightmare for a person seeking a public office or just higher office. E-Privacy should be …
Why ‘Matching Markets’ is a trend in the tech world?
Imagine that tomorrow I show up at the board meeting of a large company and tell them that I have decided to fill the vacant position of Executive Director because I am willing to accept the lowest salary out of all the candidates. I would certainly provide a good laugh in the room and I …
3 correct premises to base the policy and state support for companies
Coronavirus is much more than a pandemic it is also a major economic crisis. In response for this economic recession, governments all over Europe are implementing countermeasures. Here are 3 correct premises to base the support for companies from the business & legal consultants Bujorean & Co.: 1. We understand that the national economy as a …
The AI tyranny is not artificial but human. China like credit score system in Europe
China’s social credit system, which rates its 1.4 billion citizens based on their daily behaviour, it is supposed to help the country restore morality and match people with the state. A system that will assess individuals, enterprises and government agencies on credit in four areas – administrative affairs, commercial activities, social behaviour, and the judicial system. …
Facebook boycott: Some see the signs of a new world order, others call it progress
Facebook Inc said on Friday it will start labelling newsworthy content that violates the social media company’s policies, and label all posts and ads about voting with links to authoritative information, including those from politicians, according to Reuters. Apparently this is a push back from the large corporate clients for the recent positioning for freedom …
CEO top recommended book. ‘The Gambleneur’ is available on 7 Amazon markets.
DiGITAL BUSINESS JOURNAL’s top recommended ebook for CEOs is now available on 7 Amazon markets. “The Gambleneur – When the Marketing Investment is Inefficient and Ineffective” reveals the premises that defines a ‘gambleneur’ and imperative marketing activities that are the foundation for a performant marketing department.
Breaking the accumulative advantage rule with better technology
Recently, a digital business news-story caught my attention and made me rethink what I thought to be the rule, that the bigger you are and the greater distance you put between you and your competition, the harder your competition will be to narrow that gap and be a genuine contender. It is the Pareto rule …