Business Consulting Business Development IP Protection & Branding

Search Engine: We reserve the right to create derivative products with your ideas

Almost 4 billion searches are made daily on the most popular search engine, and people of all nations and social classes use it for information, entertainment, comparison, documenting, shopping and validation. I am one of those who buys hundreds of thousands of people as a digital marketing consultant and uses the advertising service. It’s brilliant …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development

Effective communication implies strategic thinking not just good content competences

I was recently asked what’s the difference between marketing and communication and initially I found it quite difficult to answer because the question did not make sense to me. If we confuse the word communication with public relations (PR), then yes, we can define each one concepts. But certainly marketing and communication are intrinsic, just …

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Business Development Marketing Services SEO updates

Is Google effective? has a 90% share market worldwide. So, yes!

SEO means: search engine optimisation, which aims to increase the  visits to a website, called traffic. It’s an online keyword battle and you may heard the saying that ‘if you’re not on the first page of the search engine, you don’t exist and might as well be in Siberia.’ This is done by controlling and …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development

Marketing is either an expense or an investment in the future of the company, one of the two!

“You’re a marketing and branding person, what do you think, is marketing an expense or an investment?” This is a pertinent question if you are a SME manager or owner. Usually, this kind of questions come as a result of a myopic management. Let me explain. If you are a very good accountant, you will …

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Business Consulting Business Development European Business High Tech

Is there anyone out there who is going to opt for a new supplier and fail to check him out online?

You probably read this article on your mobile phone and you are not the only one, there is an increase in mobile phone users for online search. We do not have the time or most probably the user behavior has changed. We prefer to search directly on the smartphone regarding a company or service while …

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Business Consulting Business Development Digital Marketing/ Online

The struggle to capture the attention on social media and the Content Marketing Outsourcing Dilemma

There are hundreds of studies that talk about the most appropriate moment of time for Facebook posts, or about the frequency, content, and type of posts that receive the most appreciation. In connection with the type of posts, such as photos, videos, links, or plain text, views converge to visual content, including the official Facebook page is …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Market Research

66% of managers consider the internet the most important source of procurement

The idea that digital marketing or inbound marketing is not suitable for b2b business (a company that sells to companies) is not a new idea, but rather an old myth, assimilated both by old and new generations. Not many times we have heard in discussions with our clients: “we sell cash machines to companies, we …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Market Research Start-up Finding

New research highlights reasons why Romanian SMEs are having trouble scaling-up

‘Why Romanian SMEs don’t scale-up? Insights on the Growth and Development of the Romanian SMEs’ is the name of a recent thesis drafted by business consultant Daniel A. Bujorean under the supervision of university professor Patrice Piccardi from Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France. Although the research is not based on a national representative sample, it reveals …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Market Research Marketing Services Media Consulting

Kenichi Ohmae on Competitive strategy: The point is to gain an advantage over the competition at a reasonable cost. Find out How…

We are continuing the series of literature review on competitive strategy and business growth. In this article we will review the perspective of Kenichi Ohmae. According to the Japanese strategist, Kenichi Ohmae, the first step in strategy is to identify the one issue that matters most —• the critical issue. In his book, The Mind …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Development Marketing Services Media Consulting Social Media

The image we project no longer depends solely on messages from the Marketing. Corporate identity in the digital era

A communication professional knows well that a brand is nothing but a visual association with the name and symbol that people make in their minds, a promise. I do not think we need to list the thousands of advantages of using a visual identity. I believe each of us has at least one argument in …

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Business Consulting Business Development Marketing Services

Your marketing is prompt to be inefficient without a marketing information system. How to set it up?

Why you need Marketing Information System CRM to support the collection and the marketing funnel management HubSpot CRM for free. Interesting features One of the very first things that I want to know when taking the management of a new marketing department is how does the firm collects internal marketing information. This is important because …

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Business Consultant in Bucharest, Romania Business Consulting Business Development European Business

Breaking the accumulative advantage rule with better technology

Recently, a digital business news-story caught my attention and made me rethink what I thought to be the rule, that the bigger you are and the greater distance you put between you and your competition, the harder your competition will be to narrow that gap and be a genuine contender. It is the Pareto rule …

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